Thursday, August 24, 2017

Dependence Day

One of my very favorite flowers is the morning glory. With the dawn of each summer morning comes I can count on my morning glories along my fence to be smiling at me when I open my back door. They always make me smile back! Their beauty speaks to my heart in many ways; the delicate way the vines twist and spiral up to find where the next area is to cling to; the lush leaves that give a beautiful backdrop to the blossoms; and last but certainly not least, the blooms of color that peek from each nook and cranny to bear witness of Gods wondrous hand in their creation. I tried once to pull a bloom off to take inside so that I could enjoy it for a while longer but sadly when the blooms are picked their delicate beauty fades very quickly. So, I never pick them, I just allow them to abide right there on the vine and enjoy them for the short part of the day  when they sing their song! Each blossom only sings its song once though. When it appears each morning and then fades by mid-day, that blossom has done what it was meant to do and then it withers. A whole new set of blooms will be in place the next morning. This certainly does give us a beautiful picture of the scripture that says, "His mercies are new every morning". Just like my morning glories, I cannot thrive long at all apart from my Jesus. I am not an independent woman! I am very dependent on Him! Apart from him I cannot exist, I fade and die. He is the vine and we are the branches. That is the way He designed it. If we abide in Him, He will cover us just like the morning glory vine and He will send tendrils of His care and protection to cover every nook and cranny of our lives. And, when our relationship with Him begins to mature, we will blossom. Like the flowers, little bits of color will dot our landscape and the glory of God will "sing" through us. How could anyone doubt the existence of our Creator when they look at something as beautiful as a morning glory. And, how can anyone doubt "whose" we are if we are covered by the vine? So, sing this morning and every morning of His infinite greatness to us "dependent" creatures! 
Insight insert:  There are many beautiful examples of how we are connected to the Father and how we connect with others around us in the faith. Take this week to thank God for those who he has "connected" you with in your walk of faith. Take the opportunity to thank them for any positive effects that they have had on your life and assure them that you will commit to being as faithful a friend in Christ as they have been to you. God knows exactly what he's doing when he intertwines our lives with others. Together, we draw strength from Him and strength from each other.

Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:14. And we urge you brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.

I Thessalonians 5:11  Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.   

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