Thursday, May 10, 2018

Who Is Guarding Your Door

There are many who may know this about me but then again there are many who do not! I have wrestled most of my life with trying to feel accepted and worthy and good enough, you know all the lies that the enemy of our souls would try to whisper in our ears. You know, " you're not or will you ever be smart enough because you didn't get a college degree"! Or, "you don't have enough money so people won't ask you to go out to places with them". " No one will listen to what you have to say because you don't know anything"!  I have given place to those feelings, even nurtured them at times and they still had me shut behind a door of unhappiness and misery. I fell deeper and deeper into the trap of becoming a "people pleaser". That's right, a people pleaser! I thought that if I could get everyone to like me by doing whatever they wanted or whatever they asked of me, then I would finally find that love and acceptance that I so desperately sought after. Here's where some of you are maybe shaking your head either because you know that's a foolish way of thinking or you're shaking your head because I've just described you! I was held prisoner for many many years behind this door of lies and deceit that the enemy had constructed in my mind. And the real truth that kept that door secure in my thoughts was the guard that stood outside of it. You see, the guard was there to make sure that nothing else got in that door and to also make sure that I did not get out! The name of that guard was " fear"! You see this thing in my life, the people pleasing, unaccepted, unworthy and miserable person was trapped behind a door of my own choosing. That's right! I chose to stay there. I chose to allow the guard outside that door to call the shots. You see I think that guard was an " agent" of sorts, hired to keep me attached to the inside of my false thoughts. Hired to keep me inside that horrible place so that I would never know the freedom of security and acceptance and love and worthiness. My guard was doing a great job of keeping the atmosphere of fear around me so that I would never know freedom from those lies. Here's the good news though my friends, I got out! I had to do something to get out and that was make a conscience effort to turn the knob on that door, open it and walk out. That's it! Here's the light that came on for me that flooded my dark room of unhappiness. Isaiah 8:11-13 "The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, don't call everything a conspiracy, like they do and dont live in dread of what frightens them. Make the Lord of Heavens Armies Holy in your life. He is the one you should fear. He is the one who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe". That was it! I had been thinking and acting like the rest of the world. I was being held captive by fear in a prison of lies that the enemy had fed to me. I had even thought that it was INDEED a conspiracy against me to make me feel like a failure in this life! I was living in dread and then the light came on! "Make the Lord of Heavens Armies HOLY in your life. He will keep you safe"! My defining moment came when I reached for the door knob of change and flung open the door to freedom and walked right past that guard saying, "He will keep me safe". I can't tell you how that made me feel exactly but I can tell you that I wanted to walk more and more in it. It became a "confident knowing". The more that I spoke the Word of God into my life and didnt listen any longer to the lies that were trying to flood back in, the stronger I became. I no longer live in dread of that guard at the door! I no longer live behind that door but I am free to walk in and out as I please with the Lord of Heavens Armies by my side. No guard in sight! Be at peace today my friends because if God tells us to walk in something, he will empower us to walk in it. He will indeed keep you safe when you make the choice to walk boldly and confidently past that guard and out of your door and into freedoms heavenly light. Choose, darkness or light? Prison or freedom? It is going to be your defining moment I think.