Monday, November 12, 2018

”Open The Doors; Open The Windows”

          The floods have come, the winds have tried to prevail, the heat has been intense as was the bitterness of the winters. Every season has brought its best adversity but the walls of my house are still standing. Oh, there have been beautiful days of bliss and peace in between but the days of trials and hardships still come! They seem relentless at times. The windows shutter and shake under the pressure of the winds of adversity but they hold fast. The doors are pounded by the elements but they still bear up. The roof well protects me even when the blizzards of hard days “blanket” me with layers of trouble. This house was built securely. This house was painstakingly fashioned to bear the weight of the forces that would knock at its doors. The windows have been set tightly to shield me from the ravages of time. The foundation is sure and sturdy. It bears the load of stress and pounding on a daily basis. This house is strong! This house is secure!
     But, what if I opened the door of my house when the rains were pounding in? What if the winds were sharp and strong and cutting and I opened my windows? The security of my serene and quiet scene on the interior would change drastically. My floors would get drenched and the winds would wreak havoc on my well placed furnishings and rearrange my perfectly contented interior. What would that mean for the structure of my house? NOTHING! The roomscape inside may take a temporary beating. But my house is still strong! I can always wipe up the floors and set my furnishings back in order as long as my house is strong! 
     “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. I opened my door when you were standing outside in the pouring rain. Kindness knew no boundaries. Mercy and compassion overwhelmed any storm. 
     “Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm”. You were filled with fear and trembled at the unknown. I opened my windows and spoke encouragement and calm to your storm. I felt fearless to expose myself to the elements and gusts of distress and mistrust but I did so willingly. My fears were calmed by His voice of truth and trust. My house is secure! My house is strong! 
     My doors are placed so they allow entrance and exit and will always open to those who need shelter. My windows which are made to open and close, will remain so the air will be able to enter and breezes can flow through to freshen my dwelling. I will be able to look out and see the needs of others and speak words of help and hope. My house is built on a firm foundation. That foundation is my “assurance” and “insurance” where I dwell. My house is not a fortress to hide inside of but it is a welcoming place where I am protected and others are shown the love of the foundation that this house is built on. 
     Are your doors open? Are your windows open? “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” (Psalm 27:1) Our houses, our beings were never meant to be fortresses to hide inside. Lord, make us dwellings of peace, hope, encouragement and help. In whom shall we fear?