Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fill The Need: Water & Seed

I was sitting out on my patio this morning and I asked the Lord to show me something to imprint me that I could possibly write about. Well he hears me before I speak! All was quiet for a while as I drank my coffee and then the friendly little chipmunk that graces my patio each morning stuck his little head up over the edge of the step and was staring at me. Well I began to talk to him
as I always do but he disappeared as quickly as he had come. “Ok”
I said. Then, 30 seconds later his head popped up again and he looked at me and again he disappeared. This little ritual went on for about 5 minutes before it occurred to me that he wanted something. The lightbulb came on finally and I knew immediately that it was the birdseed that I usually sprinkled in the same spot each morning. I put it there so that I could watch him eat. His glaring at me was my signal to get up and get him some seed. As I rose from my cozy spot with coffee in hand to fetch the seed
I noticed that my Celosia flower was drooping  badly from lack of water. The phrase “Water and Seed, Fill the Need” came to me. I stood there and chuckled because God had indeed seen this whole little scene before it happened and that was my “imprint” for this writing. 
You see that little chipmunk had become dependent on my giving him seed and now he expected it so that he could add to his winters stash. My flower was of course in need of water because it was potted and positioned to not get the rain. So, they indeed needed what I had to give them. You see, there are always those outside of our own little worlds that have needs and whether you know it or not you may be the one who can fill their need. Whether it be financial because God has given you an abundance or to be a physical presence in someone’s life because they are lonely. Whatever that may look like, you have something to fill someone’s need or to seed into someone’s life. God is ultimately the provider of all things but He indeed uses people. He uses us all the time. So, if you see a need take time to ask God how you can be a part in helping to fill that need. If you see someone struggling with situations of this thing called life then ask God also what kind of seed you can sow into others to encourage and help them along in their journey. We all need seed to grow and we all need water to flourish. So, water and seed and fill the need. Like my little chipmunk, those in need will be glad you did when the winters of adversity come beating hard on their doors. It may be just the thing to “imprint” their lives in order that they too can water and seed. 

Insight insert: Today I challenge you to look around you, look at the needs that are knowingly present in your circle of family and friends. Ask God what seed you have to offer and/or how the water of kindness or encouragement or friendship might be applied as well in someone’s situation. Truth is, we all have something we can give. 

Scripture: I Corinthians 3:7
“So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.”
Luke 6:38
“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

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