Sunday, October 22, 2017

Morning Goal

There have been many days, too many for me to admit, that I have awoken from my nights sleep
with the thoughts of "what do you have for me today Lord?" All in all that is a natural sort of thought

but I began to examine what was at the root of my thought process. It seems that because we live in a sinful and self-centered world that we can way too often find ourselves caught up in the 'what is there for ME' mentality. It's not always selfish, so please hear this kindly I pray. But take time to examine your deepest motives and see where they lead. Are your thoughts towards, "what can I ask of God today so that he can meet my greeds? OR What can I ask of you God that will bring you glory?" Now, He already said that He would take care of our needs so walk in the trust that He will do what He says He will do but change up your hearts question perhaps to point it away from you and towards the one who made you. That goes for our attitudes towards others as well. "What can I do for others today to represent you well my God?" I so loved what I heard another wise woman of God say about thinking of others before yourself. . . . .  " it is the cure for the disease of self-centeredness and the antidote for pride"! So, may we all begin to wake up and make the prayer on our lips each day to be "What can I do for you today Lord that will bring you glory?" Psalm 115:1 "Not to us, O LORD, not to us, But to Your name give glory Because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth."

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