Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Access Key

I clearly remember the day that I was given the keys to the first house that we ever purchased. It was a feeling that I won't ever forget. It spoke to my heart and said, " you have access to your hearts desire". I will also remember the day that my friend gave me the key to her house and told me that I was "family" and I could come over whenever I liked and have a way to get in if I needed anything. I likewise remember the keys to my first car. What a feeling of freedom! Daily the keys on this computer give me the freedom to tell my stories and the access to the World Wide Web of knowledge. The keys on my daughters piano allow me in to the glorious sounds and world of music which makes my soul sing. It accesses the deepest parts of me allowing me to worship and sing about what stirs my heart. Keys. . . . . .  They are everywhere and constant reminders of the access we have been given to places yet to be discovered. Gifts. . . . . . Keys are gifts to us to allow us in, into places that would otherwise be restricted. The most important key that I have ever been given though came on a dark day and there was an earthquake, it was about 3:00 in the afternoon and when Jesus took his last breath. . . . . ..that's when I was handed the key. The most important key anyone will ever have. The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom and access was made into the very holiest place. The key that I now have, that we all have gives us access to the very holiest of places. The very presence of God, the feet of Jesus. You see until that veil was torn I was unfit to be in the presence of God. But now, because of Jesus and what he did on the cross for me and all of us, we have opportunity to have access to Gods presence to open the door and dwell with him. Best key ever! Access to the freedom, the hearts desire and blessings, all the knowledge and wisdom that He can give, and the key to the place where worship and music permeate the atmosphere always. A key to our "family" dwelling and access to come inside if we ever need ANYTHING,  I repeat, " best key ever!". How do you get this key you ask? The answer is in the question. . . . . . . you ask!  "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)  Ask and he will forgive you of all the things that have kept you from being in His presence, ask and He will change your life forever and give you access to a freedom that you have never known. Ask. . . . . . .He will give you the key, the key to it all! Once more. . .. .. .BEST KEY EVER!

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