Saturday, January 30, 2021

It Makes Perfect ‘Cents’

 Today as I was randomly going through some coins looking for early silver ones, I ran across this 1998 Quarter. Now 1998 quarters are only worth 25 cents but this particular coin today held so much more valuable things to me now than it did 5 minutes ago.

You see, I found myself looking at it, examining it closely with a magnifying glass and turning it over and over. I thought to myself, “ what in the world has this quarter seen to make it look this bad! Scars and dents and mars and divets. Wow! If only this quarter could talk, it surely would be crying or moaning about it’s improper handling and care. George even looks like he taken a direct hit in the head! What stories it could probably tell. I mean, look at those edges, they are chewed and dented as if this coin was used as a tool or well I just can’t imagine. 
This dented and marred quarter certainly got me to thinking about my own life. Do I look the worse for the wear on the outside like this 23 year old quarter? Are my edges gashed and mis-shapened due to numerous accidents and mishaps? Are my scars visible to all who look at me? Does the wear and tear of my life exhibit itself for all to see? I certainly hope not! But this sad 1998 quarter is a beautiful illustration to me of how sometimes we wear our scars and they become “badges” so to speak of the hurts and the trials in our lives. Now, here’s something to note; this quarter, as beat up as it is, is still worth what it was created to be worth. It’s still worth 25 cents. It hasn’t lost its value!
Life can beat us up and life can beat us down but no one has to know. If we don’t bring it up or constantly remind them of our hurts and strugggles. Is it even necessary for everyone to be aware of our scars? Funny thing is in my humble opinion, if we constantly bring up our hurt and pain to the point that people begin to avoid us, and well, we could be in danger of devaluing ourselves. The thing
That we must always remember is that we are of great value to God and how we exhibit our lives reflects on Him! I for one want to be the shiny new looking coin in his pocket that brings him glory even though it is older and very used. The age of my coin might say 1954 but I want it to look like a 2021 coin, minted just recently. The world doesn’t have to be constantly reminded of our pain and hardships and we are of great value in Gods kingdom so, let your light shine and unlike this coin, let all who see it know that it’s shining bright in order to honor God. Don’t allow the ‘dings’ and ‘bruises’ and ‘gouges’ that this life can bring to be on display so that you can have others stroke you and take pity on you. 
Second note: just above George’s head it says “Liberty” and below his chin it says, “ In God We Trust”! So know this, even though you are worn, marred, scarred, scratched up, beaten or tattered, place your trust in God and shine for him regardless of what life has dealt to you. My friends, just like this coin, you hold value! And just like this coin proclaims, there is ‘Liberty “ for us all so let’s walk in that and SHINE!