If you’ve ever been to a theatrical production or have ever seen “shadow dancing” Then you will possibly understand what “scrim” fabric is all about. Scrim is a fabric much like gauze that allows us to see shadows or the outlined images without exposing exact detail. It’s a beautiful fabric used in the theater quite a lot to project the images of scenery, vague shadows of people or background scenes. When backlit it becomes quite magical.
Recently a friend sent me an image of a tree that I loved very much. It very much took my breath away. I have an extraordinary love for trees and she knew that so she sent the picture that you see above. It is quite magnificently backlit by the sun, which in turn reveals all of its glorious features. Every branch, every limb, every leaf, every inch was revealed as the sun shone through its boughs. Quite noticeably as the sun was the backlight for the wondrous display of this tree, the sun itself was presenting a glorious show. You could see it’s centermost bright spot and it’s rays extending like arms surrounding every branch. It was as if the suns extended arms were enfolding the tree in an embrace and at the same time giving applause and gratitude for its performance. I know I know, my thoughts are quite dramatic here but it does evoke all sorts of wonder and awe if you keep looking at it. My thoughts though, however theatrical they may be, take me right to the thought of my own life. You see, I believe when we allow the light of the Word of God and the illumination of the Truth of that Word by the Holy Spirit to shine through us then our lives will become like this tree. We will be like the scrim fabric in a way, an instrument to display his glory. When we allow Him to back light our lives, every detail of who He has made us to be will be spot lighted. Every gifting, every trait he’s given us, every creative talent, every piece of fruit or things we’ve produced in our lifetimes will be showcased. Every detail of our lives will be illuminated and the light of the Word that shines from us will be a glory and an honor to his great name. It is a dramatic but a most glorious production of sorts. Our own tree or the story of our life illuminated puts on a magnificent reveal here so that we are His wonderful creation displayed. It says in John 8:12.
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
His promise to us is that if we follow after Him and live for him that we will forever be illuminated by His light, His love, His discernment and understanding, His care, His provision and His presence. All of that and more!
We will be displayed for His honor and glory for all to see. What a beautiful picture of how he loves us. We can’t live in darkness and display who He is but we must be that wonderful and magical fabric like ”scrim”, and showcase Him! A beautiful life taking center stage in a story entitled ”The Gospel”.