Friday, February 16, 2018

Honeycomb In My Mouth

     You know, I can still hear my grandmothers voice in my head every time something comes out  of my mouth that’s not very kind. “You know you can catch more flies with honey “ she would always say. I knew what she meant even though at the time I may have grumbled under my breath and bulked. She was a wise woman and she knew the Lord and an important note was that she always guided us back there, back to the good and kind and sweet ways. If you don’t know what that term really means well I will tell you. It simply means that you can get farther in this life and endear more people to you if you use sweet words of kindness. Ugliness in our words and deeds will never win us any real friends.
     Our lives should at every turn reflect kindness, generosity and draw others to desire to be in our company. When I was in middle school I remember well the “mean” girls. You know them, the ones who walked around with major attitudes and an angry look on their face always. If you so much as looked at them they would glare at you and say something like, “what are you looking at brat?” Now I’ve found as I have grown and matured that these girls were most likely hiding behind or masking some kind of pain that probably caused them to build a wall of “toughness” around themselves. All I knew then was that they were just mean and their words were unkind and I didn’t want to be around them at all. That’s what I’m talking about here. Bullies almost always do not draw friends but only swallow up the weak and spit them out eventually. Kindness is like a sweet honey that can flow out of our mouths. The Bible says in Proverbs, “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones”. 
     One story that I think illustrates this philosophy best is one that my dear husband shared with me just recently. It seems there is a older gentleman that sets up to sell his wares at the local flea market that my husband sells at. This man sets up his entire table with nothing but jars of honey that he has harvested from his bee hives. That’s all he has, just jars of honey. Whenever someone would walk up to his table he would gently lean across and ask them, “ do you know Jesus my friend?” People would stand and talk with him for long periods of time or else they would scamper off like scalded dogs! My husband would sit and observe him wondering what he was talking so much about and yet hardly ever selling any honey. Well, hubby mustered up his boldness and approached the old gentleman’s table. The question was posed and they struck up a conversation. Now my better half knows Jesus very well but he was drawn somehow to the table of honey. After a while he asked the gentleman how his sales had been for the day as my husbands sales had not been good. The old man replied, “oh, I’m not really here to sell honey”. He smiled a broad smile and my husband knew exactly what he was there to do. He blessed the man and went back to his own table thinking to himself of the words of my grandmother. 
     You see, it’s true! It was a secret the old man at the table of honey knew. I’m sure he knew the verse in Proverbs that I previously quoted but he was walking it out. There were also quite a few “flies” around his table and whether they realized it or not there was something sweet that drew them there! How often can you go to a flea market and come away with hope, newness of life, kindness and compassion? And, how often do you have to spend zero dollars to get such a rich bundle of treasures. As Peter the apostle said, “ silver or gold I do not have,  but what I do have I give you”. Our words, our deeds our testimonies given and our kindnesses shared all speak of things that are far sweeter in value than things on this earth. I always thought that I didn’t have much to give but the story of the old man at the honey table certainly proves me wrong. We always have precious golden treasure to share if kindness will always flow from our lips. 


Monday, February 12, 2018

What Must A Daffodil Think Of Spring?

First, let me establish my opinion on daffodils. I believe that daffodils are definitely "girls"! Don't judge me, I have my reasons for my conclusion so let me try to explain. The daffodils in all their glory are currently emerging from the winters earth and displaying their newest Spring ensemble wardrobe. How beautiful they are in striking yellow against the brown earth and new green grass. They are quite lovely and cause everyone that passes them to take a second look. What lovely lady standing along the path dressed in her most beautiful Spring outfit wouldn't warrant a second glance or two. So, Daffodils must certainly be girls! Next, if you knew anything about the parts of a daffodil you would know that she indeed has parts called "ovaries" and. . . . . As creation would halve it females also have ovaries. Hmmmmm!  Next, in all her splendor, the daffodil has petals. They surround the center of her glory which is called her "corona". The corona is the crown if you will of her beauty. The bible says in Psalms 12 "an excellent wife is the crown of her husband". "She" has a crown here, clothed with petals ( delicate petals also being the term used to describe women) and she wears a sweet perfume that only enhances the whole package. Ok, delicate, crowned with glory and perfumed with a sweet aroma. Definitely sounds like my daffodils are girls! Ok, so now that we've established that fact, let's move on. Haven't you always wondered if flowers could think, what they would think of Spring or any season of their life cycles for that matter. But Spring in particular is the "time to shine" for our golden girls the daffodils. They have wintered the cold and frozen earth and still as the warmth of the coming Spring heats things up a bit, I can't help but think how I'd feel after having been trapped inside for such a long time. I'm sure I'd think "come on Spring".. . . . . Then as I feel things getting warmer I usually start to shift my wardrobe around and pull out all ofcolors and shorter sleeves and sandals. As the days warm up for the daffodil it begins to push up through towards the sunlight until it's green shoots show above the brown dirt. Then the daffodils begins to change their wardrobes from green stems to greenish/ yellow encased blossoms. Then when the warmest of Spring days arrive, they put on their Spring finery and stand with delicate petals beside the pathways of homes and gardens everywhere displaying their beauty for all the world to see. We then stop, look and smell the best high fashion display of beauty that the outdoor runways of early Spring can provide. I will, however, pause here briefly to point out one very very important difference between the lady daffodils and us ladies. You see, the daffodils never have to worry about where their next outfit is coming from or if it is going to be warm enough on a cooler Springtime evening. They don't have to worry about getting enough food and water and they never worry about how long they'll be able to bloom. We on the other hand have a tendency to worry over everything from "can I afford a new outfit" to "what color looks best with my eyes" to "does this outfit make me look fat?" Daffodils have a fleeting moment of time in the sun but a rewarding one. As for us, we go from season to season thinking the same thing because we don't simply trust our needs to be met as easily as the daffodil does.  So, what must a daffodil think of Spring? I sure do believe the gIrls think with golden smiles, " How wonderful it is to be a flower in the beautiful garden of the Lord!"

Friday, February 2, 2018

“Groundhog Day” Living

Remember that movie "Groundhog Day"? In the movie the main character (Bill Murray) was a TV weatherman covering the Groundhog Day story of Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania. He wakes up in his hotel room and finds the same events, of the day before, keep happening over and over. He is destined, it seems, to re-live the same day again and again. The true definition of insanity I believe. . . . .doing the same thing over and over expecting different results! Whan an insane notion. Bill Murray seemingly was in a time loop, if he chose to do nothing different, then events of the previous day would be destined to be repeat themselves. Isn't it amazing how true this little scenario is in a lot of our lives? We live our days in seemingly the same rut of mundane, repetitive tasks and then we sit back and complain how we feel like we are "stuck" and hate our lives because nothing ever changes! INSANITY!  Really, we've all had a bite outta that apple I think. Today I read a very profound statement that simply said, "You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one"! Wow! I know I've done that. Haven't you? Have you literally ever been reading and you read the same paragraph over and over and didn't actually absorb any of it? Didnt  you feel like just closing the book and putting it down because you figured, "what the heck", it must not be meant for me to read this right now because I can't concentrate! Well, most likely you were distracted or not paying close attention to what you were doing. Do away with the distractions and concentrate on the moment that you are in and you probably wouldn't have an issue at all. The same thing for Bill Murray in the movie, his "ah ha" moment came when he realized that instead of letting his circumstances impose themselves on him, he would take control of his circumstances! That little illustration speaks volumes doesn't it! We do keep doing the same things over and over or re-reading our paragraphs again and again. STOP! Renew your mind and thinking. Begin, like Bill Murray, to live in your moments and enjoy each and every one instead of mundanely living them out in the same way day in and day out. How, you ask? Well, just like the previous " STOP" sign that I posted for you, you have to do just that! Stop, so you can take a chance to look around you and notice things that you may not have noticed before. What's the name of that co-worker who gets coffee at the coffee maker each day about the same time as you do and do you ever ask them questions or engage them in conversation other than, "hello"? Eat breakfast, get dressed, grab your things and run out the door. Your routine? Change it up! Get dressed, out the door, stop at bagel shop, grab bagels and coffee and then get to work early and share breakfast with the first person you see! Could turn out to be a God encounter or maybe it's the next paragraph in your "day after" Groundhog Day story!      

Insight Insert:  This week, purpose to do something different in your schedule EVERY day! Note: remember if the groundhog "does not" see his shadow then Spring supposedly will come early. So, in saying that, allow the light of Gods enlightenment to come to you because his light will dispel all the shadows and "voila", your long awaited "Spring" season could come earlier than you think!
Scripture:Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.