Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Folds Of His Robe

There are times in our lives when we all need to escape and get to a place of solace and peace, a place seemingly far away from the roar of daily life. Haven't you felt that way at times? I know it occurs to me a lot more frequently as I get older. You would think it might be quite the opposite but when I was a young mother it just may have occurred to me but it was a fleeting, silly thought that I believed then was not attainable! There were of course, babies to feed, dishes to wash, laundry to fold and meals to make. If I cried out for peace and quiet then, well, most often it didn't come unless it was by some strong twist of fate or my husband having a sympathetic moment on my behalf! Nothing against my husband but he was surrounded by his own "roar of daily life" so that was just the way it was. I find that now, as I am getting older and my children are all grown and gone, that I am ready to run and find that place of peace at every turn. I guess it's from all those years of weariness that I find myself trying to soak in all that I lost or all that I simply need right now! There is one thing that has genuinely helped me in the process and that is the ability to envision or see things in my spirit. On many occasions, predominately worship time, I see visions of The Lord or angelic hosts or a multitude of other things that The Lord would put in my mind. Last Sunday during our worship time at church I was overcome totally by one of the most awesome visions that I have had to date. As I was worshipping The Lord I saw in my spirit two very large and heavy looking gates. These gates were perhaps 30 stories high and very thick with a rough hewn wood surface and  huge iron strap hinges. The gates began to open slowly and a bright, almost blinding light came rushing out as they opened. I could see streams of thousands of people moving towards the gates and going inside as they opened. The people in comparison looked very much the size of ants. As I approached the opening gates I could see inside just barely past the blinding light that there was a huge cross. The cross itself was possibly  50 stories high and the light seemed to be coming from behind the cross. I immediately thought, "oh the people are headed to the foot of the cross to fall down before The Lord" but upon closer examination I could see that I was very wrong. As the people entered and came close to the cross they just made a wide arch around the cross going to what was behind it. I looked and then I could clearly see that standing behind the cross was a huge figure of a man in a long white robe. All that I could see was his figure up to the top of the cross but I knew he was much bigger because as far as I could see was to his waist area. I knew immediately in my mind that the figure was The Lord. The people continued to walk around the cross until they got to the Lords robes and they all began to just cling to it. There were thousands of people, maybe more, just clinging to the bottom of his robes. As He would move slightly some would seem to disappear inside the folds and still they clung to Him. I then heard the Spirit of The Lord say to me, " Daughter, won't you come and get lost in the folds of My robes too?". Wow! Yes, THAT was a "wow" moment. That's where He was calling me to. That's where my place of peace and rest was. That's where I wanted to get lost every time. I longed for the comfort and peace that was there in the very folds of His robes. As He moves, I become covered and protected inside of those folds. What an amazingly beautiful picture that was for me that day and now every day since. Remember when the woman with the issue of blood touched His garment for her healing and the bible said that The Lord felt the healing virtue leave him. Well, there's healing there in the folds of His robes. There is also rest, comfort, peace, and everything else that I had need of. So, shouldn't we all "get lost in the folds of His robes" and allow that same healing, restorative, comforting peace to flood over our hearts and minds? "Come, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest". (Matt 11:28

Insight Insert: Do you find yourself in that place that it talks about in Matthew 11? Are you at a place of extreme stress or pressure from work or family? Are you sick of being in pain and feeling like you will never experience Gods healing touch? Are you just plain overwhelmed and need a place of peace and quiet? Then, my challenge to you this week is to "get lost in the folds of His robes"! Take a little time out, maybe when everyone is in bed at night or before everyone gets up in the morning. Whenever you can, purpose to take a piece of your day then turn on some worship music and close your eyes to shut out all distractions and " get lost in his robes". This may take some practice of some self-discipline but persist! Allow God to restore and comfort in those moments. He will!!!

Scripture:  Read Matthew 11:28-30 also John 16:33 which reads," I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But, take heart, I have overcome the world"!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Presence Of His Displeasure: Letter To A Lost Love

My dearest and most treasured child,
     I write this letter to you with a heaviness in my heart for my heart so longs after you. I haven't had the supreme pleasure of talking with you now for a very long time. I remember well how we would sit and talk for hours of your hopes and dreams and how you so wanted to see others become as happy as you were. You told me of your devotion to me and that you wanted to be close to my heart always. I 
loved how you spoke to me of your confidence in me and trusted me with everything in you to not just care for you but guide you in all of your hardest decisions. Oh, and how my heart leapt while I watched you into the wee hours of the morning pouring over my love letters to you. My dear child, you read them over and over, you studied them and got so excited when you would discover something in them that you hadn't seen before. I watched your tears fall on the pages as you read how much I sacrificed to show my love for you. I miss you. I miss seeing your face at my house when the family gathers together. I long to watch you as you join in the singing. You would close your eyes so you wouldn't be distracted by anything or anyone. The look of joy on your face as you sang with your eyes closed made my heart smile. I have been calling you. . . . . .I have hoped that you would not continue to ignore my voice for you know it well. I saw you at your workplace as you requested to work extra hours, even on Sunday, so that you could afford a newer car, better clothing and expensive trips to far away places with your friends and family. I heard you curse my name out loud when your co-workers angered you. Why? Why have you chosen to leave me. I have loved you with an everlasting  love and always will. Oh, I see you periodically in my house some Sunday's but you never stay long. You make an appearance and then leave when the music ends. Has someone else stolen your affections for me. Have you given yourself wholly to them? Child, my heart weeps for you to know the true love and acceptance that I alone can give you. I was your first love! I feel I have lost you. I feel there is a great chasm between you and I and it grieves me deeply. It angers me that the things of this world like money, goods, cars, drink and intimate relationships have stolen your love away from me. My child, I'm still here! I so desire that you hear the longing for my lost love in my words.  I want you to know that I will never abandon you. I will not go anywhere but I want you to know how much my Fathers heart aches because of where you've gone when I have given you all that you would ever need for pure joy and happiness. Come back! Come back to me, your first love. Come back and do again the things that turned your heart towards me. Do not stay here in the presence of my displeasure for another moment. It is not necessary. Come, because I see how weary of heart that you have become. Come back to me and find your place of rest. Turn away from this drawing towards the things that will never satisfy. Turn away so you can come and forever eat at my table and taste of the presence of my pleasure. My love will never fail you my dear one, Never! Please come back,
                                                  Your Loving 

                                           Heavenly Father

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Autumn Squirrels

Well. It's my favorite time of the year once more! Autumn! The air is cool and crisp, the apples are stacked in pyramids on the market tables and pumpkins and mums line the market aisles and neighborhood front porches. I love everything about this season; the smell of pumpkin or cinnamon and spice candles, the smell of the bale of hay that usually sits on my front porch, the apples cooking on applesauce making day and the best. . . . . here it comes. . . .. . .watching the squirrels steal everything that they can get their greedy little hands on to store up for the winter months. A lot of times that includes my flower bulbs in the ground or the corn on my corn shocks that decorate my porch or front door. I know, they are just doing what comes naturally but sometimes it's at my expense and that bugs me. I have to admit, I have a sort of a love / hate relationship with the squirrels. They are truly industrious little creatures and they have the right idea. They are also truly "forward" thinkers, although it really is nothing more for them but "instinct". They instinctively think about the months to come and prepare for what they need to get through. How many of us prepare in every  way for the future ahead of us? Yes, there are those who have money saved in various ways just in case of an emergency or food and water stockpiled in case of a disaster and some have even taken steps to get themselves in good physical shape so that they would be around for the future. Well, what about our mental state? Have we done our best to prepare our hearts and minds for what is to come? Do you even have peace of mind about where you will go when you die? Some of us may be able to answer that question with a resounding "yes" but even for those of you who may have answered "yes", the question still remains, " have you adequately equipped yourselves mentally and spiritually"? If there was a hard winter or a disaster in your life, would you get through it with a positive Godly worry free attitudes or would you probably be living with the repercussions of stress, anger or anxiety? Preparing our hearts and minds for whatever comes is probably far more important than preparing physically or monetarily! Good healthy thinking and attitudes can get us through the worst of times. That rascal, the squirrel, might just be the one to watch and relate to. In every way it's best to be prepared but what you think and how you react are the things that truly test your mettle. The  Bible says. . . . . ." as a man thinks in his heart, so is he". So, store up some good words and thought processes for the winters in your life. Like the squirrel, you'll be glad you were prepared!

Insight insert:  What if per chance someone were to ask you what your secret to happiness was? What would be your response? I know my answer hands down would be "my personal relationship with Jesus". Well, what if that same person when given my answer asked how to have a personal relationship with Jesus? Would you be able to lead them into that relationship? Are you prepared with the knowledge of the basic scriptures that you need to share with them? No? Then maybe it's your autumn and your cue to get prepared! If you are like that squirrel you would know how crucial it is to make those preparations. People's lives and their eternal destinies could be on the line. If you profess to know and serve God then you should be well acquainted with the handbook! Check out your scriptures in the book of Romans and store up some of them for that season of need when it comes around.

Scripture:  II Timothy 2:15. Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. KJV
I Peter 3:15. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and (be) ready always to (give) an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. KJV

Friday, September 8, 2017

Are You Ready?

The storm is on its way. Are you prepared? Are you one of the many who are scurrying around to get all of the things that you believe are necessary to survive? What provision have you made? The winds and the rain are upon us. The winds will carve a path in the sky to make way for the rain that will come relentlessly soaking the earth. Do you have your flashlights charged and ready for the inevitable power loss? Do you have food stored up that is non-perishable? Are you ready to face any situation that the storm may bring? We can't stop the winds, we can't stop the rain and we are at the very mercy of the impending storm. But, be of good courage, when you have done all that you know to do to prepare yourselves for the coming storm you can then be at rest. The winds will come as will the rain and you will be ready!
Deuteronomy 31:6
Psalm 34: 17-20
Psalm 91: 1-16
2 Corinthians 12:9
Philippians 4:19
Acts 27:20
Shall I go on?????  

Insight Insert:  If you are smack dab in the middle of a storm in your life, the hand of the Lord for you will shortly be revealed. Whether it be the death of a loved one, a battle with an addiction, a divorce or a literal storm coming your way, the God of the universe will be right there with you, holding you up, drying your tears, giving you unexplained strength and wrapping his arms of love and safety around you. Speak, "Peace Be Still" and wait and see what he will do. Call out for help because he places other people all around you for just that purpose. Cast stubborn pride aside and let God love on you even if it doesn't happen exactly like you imagine it to. Be still and know that he is God!